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Enric Miralles fue un gran arquitecto que siempre se distinguió por su gran aceptación de transformación social e histórica en sus diseños. Siempre dejando saber que el tiempo era el gestor y no el. Pues la aceptación al cambio era lo que hacia sus obras únicas y conscientes. La importancia de la historia y la sociedad en donde se localizaba el proyecto era lo que cursaba la lectura de tal. De esta forma crea una vista distinta a la arquitectura dejando saber que la profesión debe ser poética e inspiradora.

Un ejemplo perfecto de este concepto de atención histórica y social es el “Scotish Parliment” En donde el arquitecto toma temas históricos como la movida a un gobierno autónomo reflejado en la sensoria causada por el edificio. En donde algo que provoca reacción y cambio en el estado del ser al igual que la movida policita y social en ese momento. En este proyecto también se trabajó la inspiración por el alrededor en donde el landcape del lugar inspiro a lo que era la geometría de la edificación haciendo un gesto de recordar y mantener esa memoria geográfica atreves de los anos.

Otro concepto es el concepto del tiempo. Miralles diseñaba 0para los anos y como seria esa visión del lugar. Miralles dijo que todo edificio prevalecido es parte del presente por esto la transformación de artista es lo que lo define. Un gran ejemplo de esto en su arquitectura es el Igualda Cemnetery en donde Miralles amarra el concepto del tiempo de manera física representado el pasado de la vida y el presente. Apegándose en sensaciones poéticas para analizar y aceptar el ciclo de la vida.

Miralles siempre diseñaba con una intensidad peculiar. Dándole el mismo espero al diseño que se la daría a la estructura con las personas que lo estuvieran utilizando día a día. La arquitectura se convertía en una nave para la vida. Un ejemplo de esto es el Mercato de Santa Caterina en do de su techo refleja la vida de cada verdura, comida y persona que estera donde su todo día a día en cada comercio en el interior. Reflejando en su colorida cubertura el sabo0r y la diversidad de cada alimento. Otro proyecto con esta misma iluminación de perspectiva es El Parque de los Colores. En donde se refleja; a intensidad y creatividad del niño en cada elemento.

En conclusión, Enric Miralles convirtió la arquitectura en un arma poética en donde se reflejan los aspectos más importantes de la vida que ocurrirá en d9nde e=construyes. Convirtiendo los problemas más grandes del diseño y convirtiéndolos en la misma solución. Escogiendo la transformación por encima de todo lo que pueda ocurrir siendo una alternativa que jamás pensaba posible y ensenado que es la mejor. Capacitando lugares para el cambio asegurando que siempre tendrán un propósito y una vida.


Zabalbeascoa, Anatxu. “Veinte Años Sin Enric Miralles.” EL PAÍS, 3 July 2020,



“Miralles, Enric - Buildings and Projects.” WikiArquitectura, 16 Oct. 2016,

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The search for what is contemporary has been something artists have been describing, creating and wondering ever since the word gave them as people themselves meaning. Arguing which art movement is truly contemporary when all art is based on introspection and self expression. Jencks understood this and created his famously criticized evolutionary tree. Which suggest the idea of all art impacting the other in direct and indirect ways. People created negative notions over this creation by giving it the identity of a pluralist approach but what if it was just searching and explaining the contemporary in time? This is corroborated in the writing "¿Que es lo contemporaneo?". In this text it goes into detail explaining the light in darkness in time and art and how contemporariness is fleeting. Creating a direct relationship between contemporarism and time. These thoughts correlate and gravite towards each other explaining the ever flexibility of art and its spectator. So why is pluralism a way to analyze and understand the fleeting idea of contemporarisim? and why is contemporariness fleeting?

The Evolutionary Tree correlates all art with indirects paths creating an evolution of knowledge. Nothing is ever truly connected just drawn in between a series of blobs in order to show the relationship, fluidness and homogeneous identity at the very core. Giving a very wide view at the relationships between time and art essentially making it ahistorical and plural. It is argued that it is making everything part of the status quo. I would argue that this idea of observation and analyzation was simply ahead of the curb. Which is proven correct over time by Lydia Kallipolitis, Eduardo Alonso, Gabriela D' Angelo, Andrew Lam and Shiori Sasaki who are the geniuses that re-invented the tree with a cloud like ideal. Utilizing the idea of change and self organization the cloud brings by indirect collection of data. leaving always open questions which is in itself its ideal purpose. This initial pluralism of the evolutionary tree allowed it to be re-imagined by the most plural yet contemporary age yet. The age of data collection through invisible crystallization of information. An age which one day one thing is trending and the next is no longer relevant.Pluralism allows us to document each movements existence and to have the tools to research the events without it being forgotten. Pluralism opens questions for the future in an age where answers are everywhere.

The text "¿Que es contemporaneo?" brings the question answers it and leaves it open for you to answer it yourself. It creates an enigma around the concept of time which is something so apparent in art. Because even tho time is expressed through it; it could talk about multiple moments in the concept of time. Style especially in architecture always comes back around to re- express itself to re- introduce itself into something new. So how do old tricks seem new again? the ever expresion of the untimely. Which takes form in contemporarism the idea that something is just present for an instant and never seems to quite fit. The reading often refers to the concept as marking everything old, archaic when in reality as shown in the evolutionary tree and in the cloud interpretation of the evolutionary tree all mates and correlates. Contemporary and archaic things are often chronological without time they would just be things. That is why contemporariness is fleeting because its always in the wrong spot depending from what point in time you look for it. Its always present yet always missing.

Final thoughts on the correlation between pluralism and contemporarism. Pluralism creates an open data base for our new world based on trends solidifying fleetingness into the conversation. Taking into account how pluralism itself is contemporary based on fleetingness creating sort of a cycle between them. Taking the contemporary and basing of the archaic to create the concept of new like I previously stated. Time creates the conceptualization between the turtles and the giraffes and how they raise their contemporary offspring.

turtles- different styles and art movements

giraffes- different styles and art movements

contemporary offspring- what came to be from the re-imagining of the styles

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